Enrol your Dog

Training classes are run from late January / early February to December each year.

Classes run for approximately 45 minutes. 

2025 Calendar 

In 2025 our training terms will align with the school terms. 
Please note we are no longer accepting in-person enrolments - Enrolments are only taken via this website.

Classes are being held at our grounds on Park Avenue.

Term 1.  4th February  - 1st  April  (9 weeks). Online registrations close 18th January. All classes

Term 2. 29th April- 24th June (9 weeks) . Online registrations close 12th April. All classes   

Term 3. 15th July - 9th September (9 weeks). Online registrations close 28th June. All classes    

Term 4  7th October - 2nd December (9 weeks). Online registrations close 20th  September. All classes   

Enrolment Info

Enrolments are only taken via this website, for each term. Some classes have pre-requisites that you need to pass before you can enrol in the next level – check the course description. We are are no longer accepting in-person enrolments. 

You will recieve an email with term invoice when your enrolement is confirmed, this will happen automatically if the class is not full. 

If a class is full, you can join the waiting list by clicking on the link. We’ll contact you if a place comes up and, if we get enough interest, we can sometimes set up extra classes.

Course Payment

Payment can be made by Internet banking if you enrol on line. Bank transfers must be made within 3 working days or your registration may be cancelled without communication from us and we will offer your place to another person on the waiting list. Payment of your term fees guarantees your place in the class - The 7.30pm Pups/New Enrants class is dependent on handler numbers, the club will confirm this class closer to the term start date.

Cancellation Policy.

If you can no longer attend the course for any reason, notification as soon as possible would be most appreciated (email kapitidogtrainingclub@outlook.com). Cancellations received seven days prior to the start of the course will be refunded, less a $10 administration charge. Cancellations received within seven days of the start of the course will be refunded on the same basis only if the place can be refilled, otherwise there will be no refund. The Committee may consider written applications for a full or partial refund at their sole discretion and only in exceptional circumstances